


游泳 & 跳水:校友、跳水俱乐部成员参加奥运会团体赛

In 1924, 在印第安纳波利斯的卢卡斯石油体育场前, 印第安纳州是奥运会选拔赛的东道主, 该州在Broad Ripple公园举办了这次活动,约翰尼·韦斯穆勒(Johnny Weissmuller)参加了这次活动, who later went on to play Tarzan in 12 movies from 1932 to 1948 and later starred in 16 “小君gle Jim” movies and 26 half-hour episodes of a TV series.  Weissmuller retired undefeated, featuring five Olympic golds and 67 world records. 虽然没有著名演员参加2024年的选拔赛, there will be multiple athletes with ties to 十大体育外围平台排名 and 十大体育外围平台排名 Aquatic Club. 

兰登·德·阿里亚诺,1924年, 艾米莉·哈米尔,25岁, 亨利·莫里西22岁, and Anya Mostek (GAAC) will descend onto the home of the Indianapolis Colts (NFL) for Trials from 小君e 15 to 小君e 23. 20岁的艾玛·阿特金森也有资格参加选拔赛,但无法参加. Head Coach Jeff Thompson explained how the team has been training leading up to the competition.  

汤普森说:“学校的比赛季都是在短池里进行的. “选拔赛和大多数国际比赛都在长池中举行. 显然我们这里没有, 所以我们一直在阿什伯恩游泳俱乐部训练,我们一直在那里, 整个团队, 大约一个月了. We've been trying to keep the kids on their training cycles and we've let them sleep in a little more to be on the schedule we'll be on in Indianapolis."


D'Ariano recently capped off an illustrious career with the boys swimming team at GA, 但大约六年前开始在水上俱乐部工作. He will be swimming in the 400 IM on Saturday, 小君e 16, and in the 200 IM on Thursday, 6月20日. D'Ariano has experience going against college and professional level swimmers from competing at Phillips 66 Nationals last year, 他认为这会让他很好地立足. 然而,他说他只是想带着积极的经历离开.

 "This is my first trials and it could be someone else's third or fourth," D'Ariano said. “无论如何,我都会有点震惊. 所以我试着保持冷静,学习很多东西. 我进入决赛的最好机会是400米个人混合泳, 所以我个人想做这个, 但即使我花时间参加预赛, 我会很开心的. 这都是很好的学习经验."

Thompson says: "Landon has a really big engine, and he's got a motor that never stops. He is relentless with everything he does, he's fearless, and he's used that to his advantage."


哈米尔将参加周一的100米仰泳比赛, 6月17日和周四的200米仰泳, 6月20日. She had an excellent school season, setting multiple records and claiming Inter-Ac League MVP. Hamill said that this has always been a dream and goal since she was a little kid, and that being to be able to go alongside her teammate in D’Ariano makes it even more special.

哈米尔说:“我很高兴能代表GA参加印地赛. “我的主要目标是玩得开心,享受这段经历. 这对我来说是一个巨大的成就, 我只是想享受这段旅程, 学习重要的课程,我将在我的游泳生涯中使用, 总的来说,把这些都吸收进去. 我希望在2028年能以更快的成绩晋级."

汤普森说:“艾米丽有一个引擎,对水的感觉很好. It's a gift and she has worked that gift and parlayed it into great success in the pool."


莫里西在七年级时来到佐治亚大学,遇到了汤普森,接下来的事情就是历史了. 他称决定与GAAC一起游泳是他一生中最好的决定之一, and is still in close contact with members of the team and coaching staff even while swimming collegiately at Stanford. 莫里西将参加周六的1500米自由泳比赛, 6月22日和周一的800自由泳, 6月17日. 

“我有机会参加一些更大的美国游泳比赛, 但从来没有这么多人,莫里西说. “我真的很兴奋. A lot of people say this is the fastest meet in the world -- even faster than the Olympics sometimes. So I'm really excited to watch some fast swimming and hopefully have some top times myself."

Thompson says: "Henry Morrissey's passion and love for the sport are probably second to none. That love and that passion brought him to the pool everyday, and he loves to work really hard. 他也很高,这是教不来的. 

Anya Mostek (GAAC)

哈佛大学二年级学生, 莫斯泰克在100年的比赛中被评为常春藤联盟第一阵容, 200年, and 400 Medley Relay while also earning All-Ivy League Second Team honors in the 200 Free Relay, 以及2023-24赛季的200米混合泳接力. 她曾代表鲍德温学校参加过与GA的双人比赛, 在他们以前的俱乐部队里认识哈米尔. 莫斯特克说,哈米尔建议她夏天来和汤普森一起训练. 6月17日星期一,莫斯泰克将参加100米仰泳比赛. 

“长期以来,试验一直是我的目标,”Mostek说. “我不想陷入压力之中. 我想庆祝我的旅程,看看轮到我参加比赛时我能做些什么. 游泳很难. There is no way around the mental and physical investment one must make to see good results, but this group at GAAC is truly special as they have an energy and commitment that I have not seen with other clubs. 我非常感谢有这个机会,在GAAC遇到了许多了不起的人."

汤普森说:“安雅身高6英尺多,你无法指导身高. 她也很有天赋,而且她发挥了这些天赋."


Atkinson was a standout for the GA girls swimming team from 2016-20 and continued her success at Virginia Tech, 她是这个项目的基础吗. 阿特金森在她的四年职业生涯中一直在ncaa游泳, 大一就获得了个人邀请, 二年级学生, and junior seasons while swimming as a relay-only swimmer during her senior year. 明年,她将回到布莱克斯堡,度过她感染COVID-19的第五个年头. Atkinson still owns the 十大体育外围平台排名 record in the Girls 200 Freestyle (1:45.77), 100自由泳(49).71)和100仰泳(52).80). She explained the growth of the Aquatic Club, and the impact it has had on her career.

“我学到了很多关于游泳的知识,以及它背后的科学和技术, but I would say the life lessons that Jeff has taught me over my four years were the most important,阿特金森说. “我还在向他学习. 他是个很有见地的人. 他总是在那里指导我,他真的是我的一个重要的榜样. 

"When I first got there, I was the only one who qualified for big National meets. For four years I was traveling with Jeff or Donnie [Brush] by myself because no one else had qualified for these meets. I think it was last year at the US Open, I saw JJ Freeman '23, Emily, Karly Boles '25, and Landon. 这很奇怪,因为我和我的团队从来没有这样的机会, but the fact that these kids are qualifying for these big meets -- and not just one of them, like a whole handful of them -- and they're able to go and compete and make a final or drop time, 这说明了这个项目是如何发展起来的."

汤普森说:“艾玛·阿特金森, 我记得她第一次参加选拔是在八年级末, 在她来GA之前. 她跳进游泳池,蹬墙,做了三次海豚式踢腿. 我转过身,看着她的妈妈,告诉她:“艾玛会很棒的。.“在她推下墙的那两秒钟里,我看到了我想要的一切. 艾玛无所畏惧,是一名态度很好的不可思议的运动员."